Kolibri Theatre - Budapest in Hungary


The Kolibri Theatre was founded by the General Assembly of Budapest in 1992. The starting company was formed by puppeteers who were open to experimenting “life theatre” as well. During the 12 years many well-known actors have joined us to play in our shows from other theatres of Budapest, and for 8 years we are training young actors in the DajkaMargitArtSchool.
Besides the 70 employees of the theatre there are about the same ammount of guest artists and art students participating in our shows.
Characteristics of Kolibri Theatre:
The first children’s theatre – family theatre in Budapest which  aspires to offer different kind of performances for all age-groups.
We have three venues in Budapest:
-  The largest one is Kolibri Színház (Kolibri Theatre - Jókai tér 10.) with 220 seats and with a stage which is also suitable for puppet performances.
-   The Kolibri Fészek (Kolibri Nest – Andrássy út 74.) is a room-theatre for children where 50-70 children sit on pillows and chairs. (The complete technical renovation of this venue was finished in the 2003/2004 year theatre season.
-   The Kolibri Pince (Kolibri Cellar – Andrássy út 77.) is a youth venu e with a theatre hall suitable for 60-70 spectators and with a similar size tea-house.
On our repertory you can find story-adaptations, story-musicals as well as one-man shows and small pieces. Beside the Hungarian classical and contemporary writers we also give place to European and over-sea children and puppet theatre shows.
We are organising an open-air festival for children at the end of summer for 12 years now, in front of the theatre on Jókai tér. On this event Hungarian puppet theatres and family theatres are returning guests but we have invited different groups from all over Europe.
We mainly play for 5-12 year-old children but we have more and more youth pieces on programme and we have now started to work on creating programmes for the 0-3 year-old children with a great interest. 

Please visit http://kolibri.szinhaz.hu/